Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Monday!

Whew! What a weekend. We took off at 10pm on Friday night with a boy that was sick and a van that was sick and went to Chicago to pick up this boat. We drove until 2am Saturday morning and got a motel for about 5 hours. We slept quick. Got up and drove to the boat place.
On the way out of Chicago we figured out the Toll System and that we had not paid toll one time on our way through the other way. Of course they probably took our picture every time we missed one. When we figured it out we asked the toll booth carnie (thats what he looked like!) what we should do. He gave us a form that gave directions how to go on line and pay. You only have 7 days to get that done. I did it early Sunday morning when I got up and could think straight.

Daniel did real well on the trip. He went to the Dr. and she upped his dose of Benedry to 75mgs (3 pills) at a time. Plus he was taking steriods and all. He didn't have one break out once we got going.

The van did well also, but it is at the dealer this morning getting worked on.

Life is good this Monday morning with a good cup of coffee. We got some rest last night. I work today. It is 57 degrees here in Newark with a high of 77 today. Sounds about perfect. Laundry and shool are getting done. I must go get ready for work.

Hope all had a good weekend.


sankey family said...

Sounds fun - ok, I hardly recognized your TALL teenager! Unreal! Where's the toddler I babysat?

The Millard Family said...

Gone are those toddler days!!! He is about the same heighth as his dad.

Katie and the boys said...

So, did they ever find out what was wrong with Daniel? I had that same thing happen to me when the seasons changed. They were not fun! The only thing that helped them to go down was a cold bath. Poor Daniel!!!

Tamra said...

Congrats to the new boat owners! Glad you have a blog so we can keep up with you guys. I enjoyed reading it! I'm trying to catch up after being gone. :) Hope Daniel feels better soon.

tacomom said...

Ugh, nothing worse than traveling with a sick kiddo. But at least the Benadryl might have helped him sleep so he wasn't too miserable :) Better than a pukey kid! Glad all is on the mend (kid and van) and hope you get to enjoy that boat (or at least the guys get to) soon :)

Leanna Pitcher said...

Enjoying your posting! Love to keep up with all of my friends!

The Millard Family said...

Daniel is much better. Finished his dose of steroids. The Dr. has plans for him to see an allergy specialists to have one of those allergy tests done on them.

Janella said...

Boat look fun:) I don't know what I'll do when the little boys want big boy toys! Glad Daniel is on the mend.